Friday, May 22, 2009

Almost 2 months!!

Can you believe it?? Alana is almost 2 months old!!! She is getting so big. I took her to the doctor last week to have a rash checked out....which turned out to just be baby acne all over her belly... anyway, they weighed her and she was 11lbs 11 ounces!! That is just crazy....she has gained an ounce or more a day since she's been born! She is def. a pig and loves to eat all the time. So much so that we had to start supplementing with formula just to keep up with her demands. Another reason we had to start supplementing is that I had a little trip to the E.R. 

This was not fun...Alan had to call an ambulance in the middle of the night b/c i was having severe back and chest pain. So after lots of pain medicine and tests they discovered I had gallstones. They sent me home with pain meds and the fear that i could have another attack at any minute. So I immediatly made an appointment with a surgeon they suggested and he of course suggested I have it removed before it caused me anymore trouble. So that I did....on Monday...the 18th... I went in for surgery and had my gallbladder removed. 
It's so weird to think that I am now missing an organ....but I feel much better knowing that I wont ever have one of those horrible attacks again. 

On a better note, Laney is doing fabulous. She sleeps really good at night and most nights she sleeps all night and is very happy when she wakes up. She loves to smile and coo. She smiles constantly and loves to look at the flower pattern on her pack n play. She tries to get them to talk to her and then gets mad when they don't talk's really cute. She loves looking at patterns and loves he paisley diaper bag....she's just like her mommy! 

I really lve being a mom and I know everyone says it, but I really can't remember what it was like before we had her. She really completes everything and even though it's really hard being a mom and still trying to get things done I wouldn't trade it for anything. It is so rewarding! 

She is ohh so close to rolling over....i'll keep you posted!!!

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Hey thanks! Our house is in the Meadowlands housing development off Tyrone Rd. It's actually on Meadowland Drive, the main road. The pictures I've seen on facebook of Alana are beautiful!

Sorry to hear about your surgery! At least it wasn't something worse!