Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Holy Cow...it's been 6 Months!

I can't believe my little baby is 6 months old already!! She had her 6 month check up yesterday...she now weighs 20 lbs 5 ounces. She is such a big chubby girl now. She is so very happy almost all the time and laughs and giggles a ton. She is rolling like crazy everywhere and is starting to show signs of crawling soon! I can't wait!! OH OH and she now says ......."MOM"!! How cute is that?? She just babbles away and says mom mom and now she is growling like a lion. She is so crazy. I'm not really sure where she learned the growling, but she thinks it's hilarious. She is just growing way too fast. It makes me miss having a little baby around, she is such a big girl now.

We recently went to a pumpkin farm and she loved it. She liked looking at all the pumpkins and feeling all of them. She wasn't really sure what they were or what she should do with them, but she sure looked cute sitting next to them!

For Halloween we have a ladybug costume (that I bought for her before she was even born) and a lamb costume. We are going to the Zoo on the 17th for their event called Zoo Boo...i'm so excited. I'm hoping it's cool enough for her to wear her costume while we look around at the animals. I'm not sure which costume i'll put on her for the actual Halloween trick or treating...they are both just so cute, I can't decide!!

Speaking of Halloween...can you believe it's October already?? Time is going by so fast....but i am glad that Christmas is coming soon! I can't wait for Alana to get to open all of her presents. We already have an attic full of toys for Christmas...i'm not sure where we're going to put all of them in our house, but she'll have lots to play with !

Friday, May 22, 2009

Almost 2 months!!

Can you believe it?? Alana is almost 2 months old!!! She is getting so big. I took her to the doctor last week to have a rash checked out....which turned out to just be baby acne all over her belly... anyway, they weighed her and she was 11lbs 11 ounces!! That is just crazy....she has gained an ounce or more a day since she's been born! She is def. a pig and loves to eat all the time. So much so that we had to start supplementing with formula just to keep up with her demands. Another reason we had to start supplementing is that I had a little trip to the E.R. 

This was not fun...Alan had to call an ambulance in the middle of the night b/c i was having severe back and chest pain. So after lots of pain medicine and tests they discovered I had gallstones. They sent me home with pain meds and the fear that i could have another attack at any minute. So I immediatly made an appointment with a surgeon they suggested and he of course suggested I have it removed before it caused me anymore trouble. So that I did....on Monday...the 18th... I went in for surgery and had my gallbladder removed. 
It's so weird to think that I am now missing an organ....but I feel much better knowing that I wont ever have one of those horrible attacks again. 

On a better note, Laney is doing fabulous. She sleeps really good at night and most nights she sleeps all night and is very happy when she wakes up. She loves to smile and coo. She smiles constantly and loves to look at the flower pattern on her pack n play. She tries to get them to talk to her and then gets mad when they don't talk back...it's really cute. She loves looking at patterns and loves he paisley diaper bag....she's just like her mommy! 

I really lve being a mom and I know everyone says it, but I really can't remember what it was like before we had her. She really completes everything and even though it's really hard being a mom and still trying to get things done I wouldn't trade it for anything. It is so rewarding! 

She is ohh so close to rolling over....i'll keep you posted!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

4 weeks

In 2 days Alana will be 4 weeks old...I just can't believe it! It has been quite an experience. I feel like Alan and I have already grown so much as parents. Everyday is a surprise and new challenge. You never know what the day will bring which keeps you on your toes and in a constant state of fear...I must admit! I feel like i'm just constantly waiting for the next cry. Which speaking of crying, she just woke up from her little nap. 

I will try to update again later...hopefully her next nap will be longer!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Alana's here!

Well she's finally here!! After 41 weeks of pregnancy...and with a little coaxing she finally decided to make her debut on April 1st at 5:50 pm. 

I ended up going into the hospital on March 31st to start my induction process. They placed a catheter in my cervix and filled it with water to put pressure on the cervix and make it dilate. So of course contractions started pretty much right away...they were semi-bearable for a couple hours, but then around 3:00 am they became very painful and eventually at 4 I had to wake Alan up so he could help me through them. I breathed through the contractions...walked around the halls... and sat on a birthing ball until about 8:00 or so when my doctor came in to yank the catheter out and check to see how far dilated I was. I was already 4 centimeters when she took the catheter out so they started some petocin to get the contractions really going. This is when I opted for the epidural! I was really scared to get the epidural, but it honestly wasn't as scary as I had invisioned. He had to put it in twice too becuase the first time he hit something and it didn't take. And of course I was having full blown contractions the whole time he was trying to put it in my back...so that wasn't the most pleasant. But I made it through and was so happy to get some relief and be able to sleep a little now that I was completely numb from the waist down. 

So a couple hours later the doctor came in and was getting ready to break my water, and what do ya know...while she was getting ready my water broke on its own! So I was happy about that...at least my body was doing some of the labor work on it's own!! So after that they uped the petocin and really got things moving. By around 3 or 4 I was 8-9 centimeters and then in just a couple minutes I was 10 and ready to push! So I pushed and pushed and pushed, for about 45 minutes, with really little progress. And every time I would push the baby's heart rate was going dangerously low. So they had me take breaks and only push every other contraction to let her recooperate...but that still didn't work. So they decided it was in the baby's best interest to go ahead with the C-Section. So they wheeled me off to surgery. 

And at 5:50pm we heard her first beautiful cry!! It was amazing for her to finally be in this world and to hear her and then eventually see her. Alan was the first to get to see her and he was able to get her little foot prints on the back of his hands and come show me. And after they got her checked out and cleaned off a little they brought her over for me to see and I got to give her her first little kiss! 

She weighed 9lbs 3 ounces!!! As soon as the doctor pulled her out of my belly she looked over the curtain and said " She never would have fit"!!  So that was kind of a relief to me that I really did do everything that I could to try to deliver her vaginally...but it just wasn't in the cards for us. Maybe next time...that is if there is a next time. I'm still kinda undecided about whether I really want to go through the first couple weeks with a newborn again...let alone with a toddler and a newborn. So we'll see what happens when the time comes. 

So that's it...we are starting to settle in at home, finally, after 2 weeks of life with a newborn. It is the hardest thing i've ever done and probably the scariest too. But this morning at 6:00 am she gave Alan and I her first big smile! She's been smiling in her sleep and a little when she's awake but this was def. the first big smile that we know for sure was directed at us because she was happy! So it is also the most rewarding thing i've ever done!

I can't wait to see what the next couple weeks bring. Wish us luck!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Well, it's one day after my due date and there's still no baby! I went to the doctor yesterday and nothing had changed....still not dilated and the baby is still kinda high so that's a bummer. They sent me for some testing to monitor the babies heart rate and monitor my contractions. Everything was good, I had a few braxton hicks contractions while i was there but of course they didn't produce anything. So it looks like unless I have her naturally before then, they will start some of the induction process on the night of the 31st and then really get things moving the morning of the 1st. So unless she decides to come out on her own she will be evicted on April 1st! The Doctor says she's going to be big....hopefully not too big to fit, but we'll see. I'm praying she decides to just come out on her own!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Only 2 more days!!

It has been a very long time since I updated. I figured I would update to hopefully avoid pulling my hair out with anticipation! I only have 2 more days until my due date!! I can't believe it's already practically here...I honestly thought the day would ever come, it always just seemed so far away. As the due date grows closer and closer I get more and more frustrated with the fact that I am still not dilated at all!! I go to the doctor again on Wednesday...my due date... so hopefully I will atleast be dilated. They will talk about scheduling an induction at my appointment on Wednesday. I think the average amount of time they give you to go naturally after your due date is 10 days...

I really don't want to have to wait for 10 days after my due date to have this baby, I'm just not sure i can deal with that! I'm already an emotional wreck just having to wait until my due date!! I think I find myself in tears everyday b/c i'm just so ready to not be pregnant anymore. It's not that I don't like being pregnant...it's been an awesome experience, it's just that I am so ready to hold my little baby. Plus the insomnia and never ending pain of pregnancy is wearing on me! Oh and the fact that i'm the size of a house doesn't help things either. Anyway...I think I may have to beg the doctor to induce me sooner if i'm still not dilated on Wednesday!

Please pray that she comes naturally.....preferably tonight?!?!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Crazy couple weeks!

So the past couple weeks have been the craziest. It seems like if something was going to go wrong it did. Let me start with the list....

1. First our washer got off balance and started leaking all the water out the bottom of the washer. It ended up being a hose issue and luckily was still covered under warranty. But it slightly flooded our laundry room.

2. The basement drain ( which is in between the laundry room and the spare room down stairs) overflowed and flooded both rooms. Luckily nothing really got ruined except for some stained carpet in the spare room. It turns out our sewer pipe thing was backed up. So we had to call someone to come "snake" it out. All is good now but now we need to get a camera thing run through the pipe to make sure the pipe isn't damaged.

3. We woke up on a Sunday morning to a house that was 50 degrees! The furnace quit working through the night so we had to call a repair guy to come out so we didn't freeze to death b/c it was around 20 outside. He had to replace some part and relight our pilot light. It's working fine now, so hopefully it stays that way!

4. I went to the doctor ....I think it was last Wednesday. It started as a pretty normal appointment...the doctor always just asks if the baby is still moving a lot and listens to the heartbeat and then measures my belly. Well I told the Dr. that she hasn't really been moving as much as she normally did and then he said well her heart rate was down a good bit from my last appointment. So he sent me to the hospital to get a non-stress test. Of course I flip out and am sobbing in the Dr. office, so they made me call Alan and have him meet me at the hospital so I wouldn't be freaking out alone. So at the hospital they hooked me up to some monitors on my belly and monitored her heart rate for about a half hour. They said her heart rate couldn't have been better and that she must have just been sleeping at the office and that's why he got such a low rate then. And they think that my placenta may be right in the front of my belly and is blocking a lot of her kicks and punches and that's why I'm not feeling her as much. Plus she's starting to run out of room in there. I go to the Dr. again this coming Monday so hopefully everything will still be ok.

5. On Friday I came home to discover that Cooper had ripped up a big part of our kitchen floor. We had recently ripped up all the carpet in the living room to get to the hardwood floor and hadn't yet replaced the strip between the kitchen and living room. So Cooper managed to get a hold of the floor in the kitchen and destroy it. So now we have to replace the entire kitchen floor! Just not a really good time to have to spend money on the kitchen floor.

6. Cooper started licking and biting at his back paw a lot and wouldn't leave it alone. So we examined his foot and one of his little toes was swollen and red. We took him to the vet and they said his nailbed was infected. So they gave us an antibiotic to give him and ove of those cone collars so he can't bite at his foot. Well he absolutely hates the cone thing. When we put it on him he just freezes and wont do anything....not even sit down or lay down. It's pretty pitiful! I just can't bring myself to make him wear it....and it seems like he's not really that interested in licking it anymore so I figure he doesn't really need to wear it anyway. We'll see though.

So I think that's all the crazy things that have happened all in the span of about 2 weeks!
We only have one more Lamaze class left, which is crazy!! The time has really gone by fast. So after we're done with the Lamaze class we just have a parenting class in the middle of February and then we're done with all the classes and will hopefully be ready to have this baby! I can't believe I'm already 32 weeks pregnant! I will be full-term in 5 weeks and my due date is only 8 weeks away!! CRAZY I can't decide if I think she will be early, on time, or late. Some days I think early but I dunno. I don't really think i'll be late just b/c she's growing right on target...so i'm not sure if they would let me go late and risk her being too big. But who really knows, I guess anything is possible.

I'll try to update again after my next appointment on Monday!

Monday, January 5, 2009

7 Months!

I had my 7 month doctor checkup last week! Everything is still looking good. I got the results from my glucose test I did last month...all was good. My level was 117 and anything under 140 is considered in the clear. So that was a relief. I did however, gain 8 lbs this month! Yikes! I guess I ate a little too many holiday goodies. I'm not panicking too much because I've still only gained 12 lbs the whole pregnancy....which I think is pretty darn good. The doctor didn't seem concerned that I had gained so much this month, he said I had some catching up to do anyway since I had lost weight the first couple months from being sick. I'm starting to get a really big belly...and it's starting to be uncomfortably big at times. Sometimes it just feels like it is stretched to the max and uncomfortable....I know I have still have a good bit of growing to do though so hopefully being uncomfortable wont last the rest of the pregnancy. The biggest annoyance is not being able to get a full nights sleep. First of all it's hard to get comfortable enough to fall asleep and then when i do fall asleep I end up waking up because either my back hurts, my shoulder hurts, or I have to pee! It's just frustrating. Oh well, it will all be worth it, besides I guess I need to get used to not sleeping a full night considering I wont be sleeping all night when the baby comes anyway! Well now I go to the doctor every 2 weeks so I will update again after my appointment on January 21st!