Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Y'all, it's been forever!! Probably close to 2 years since I last blogged... Oops! A lot has happened in those two years, as you can imagine. Just off the top of my head, we bought a different house in Pittsburgh, had a baby boy!! , and moved to Alabama ! That's a ton of change. Another huge change is coming this week. My first born, Alana, is starting Kindergarten on Thursday!!

This little girl.....

Is now this big girl!! 

She is so smart and funny. She is also very strong willed... It has been a long 5 1/2 years of disciplining this crazy woman! But honestly, she is my little sidekick. She made me a Mamma and now she's making me an old grey-haired Mamma! I can't wait for her to go to school mainly because I know she is going to love every aspect of it. And I can't wait for her to come home and tell me all about it. Because, if there's one thing she can do, it's talk! And she has a perfect memory. I know she will remember every detail of her day. I can't wait to share in her excitement! 

We've been getting up early to practice for when she goes to school for real. The bus will pick her up between 6:50 and 7:00. That's early, y'all!! I have to get myself and 3 kids up and ready and out the door to walk to the bus stop by 6:45. Pray for me, will you?! 

I promise I'll be back to keep you updated on on new adventures!!

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