So the past couple weeks have been the craziest. It seems like if something was going to go wrong it did. Let me start with the list....
1. First our washer got off balance and started leaking all the water out the bottom of the washer. It ended up being a hose issue and luckily was still covered under warranty. But it slightly flooded our laundry room.
2. The basement drain ( which is in between the laundry room and the spare room down stairs) overflowed and flooded both rooms. Luckily nothing really got ruined except for some stained carpet in the spare room. It turns out our sewer pipe thing was backed up. So we had to call someone to come "snake" it out. All is good now but now we need to get a camera thing run through the pipe to make sure the pipe isn't damaged.
3. We woke up on a Sunday morning to a house that was 50 degrees! The furnace quit working through the night so we had to call a repair guy to come out so we didn't freeze to death b/c it was around 20 outside. He had to replace some part and relight our pilot light. It's working fine now, so hopefully it stays that way!
4. I went to the doctor ....I think it was last Wednesday. It started as a pretty normal appointment...the doctor always just asks if the baby is still moving a lot and listens to the heartbeat and then measures my belly. Well I told the Dr. that she hasn't really been moving as much as she normally did and then he said well her heart rate was down a good bit from my last appointment. So he sent me to the hospital to get a non-stress test. Of course I flip out and am sobbing in the Dr. office, so they made me call Alan and have him meet me at the hospital so I wouldn't be freaking out alone. So at the hospital they hooked me up to some monitors on my belly and monitored her heart rate for about a half hour. They said her heart rate couldn't have been better and that she must have just been sleeping at the office and that's why he got such a low rate then. And they think that my placenta may be right in the front of my belly and is blocking a lot of her kicks and punches and that's why I'm not feeling her as much. Plus she's starting to run out of room in there. I go to the Dr. again this coming Monday so hopefully everything will still be ok.
5. On Friday I came home to discover that Cooper had ripped up a big part of our kitchen floor. We had recently ripped up all the carpet in the living room to get to the hardwood floor and hadn't yet replaced the strip between the kitchen and living room. So Cooper managed to get a hold of the floor in the kitchen and destroy it. So now we have to replace the entire kitchen floor! Just not a really good time to have to spend money on the kitchen floor.
6. Cooper started licking and biting at his back paw a lot and wouldn't leave it alone. So we examined his foot and one of his little toes was swollen and red. We took him to the vet and they said his nailbed was infected. So they gave us an antibiotic to give him and ove of those cone collars so he can't bite at his foot. Well he absolutely hates the cone thing. When we put it on him he just freezes and wont do anything....not even sit down or lay down. It's pretty pitiful! I just can't bring myself to make him wear it....and it seems like he's not really that interested in licking it anymore so I figure he doesn't really need to wear it anyway. We'll see though.
So I think that's all the crazy things that have happened all in the span of about 2 weeks!
We only have one more Lamaze class left, which is crazy!! The time has really gone by fast. So after we're done with the Lamaze class we just have a parenting class in the middle of February and then we're done with all the classes and will hopefully be ready to have this baby! I can't believe I'm already 32 weeks pregnant! I will be full-term in 5 weeks and my due date is only 8 weeks away!! CRAZY I can't decide if I think she will be early, on time, or late. Some days I think early but I dunno. I don't really think i'll be late just b/c she's growing right on i'm not sure if they would let me go late and risk her being too big. But who really knows, I guess anything is possible.
I'll try to update again after my next appointment on Monday!