Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lazy Days

The past week or so has been filled with lazy day after lazy day. Well, as lazy a day can be with a 10 month old! We fill our days with lots of playing and eating a little bit of cleaning while the babe naps. These are the days I love. I love being a stay at home mom!! It is the best job in the world....I get to be there for every little development, every fall, every cry, every new word and much more! Yes, that also means I am here for ever diaper and ever cranky moment...but I wouldn't have it any other way! She is the love of my life and I just can't imagine a day without her!

Alan and I were talking recently about just how much time we do spend with Alana. It's kinda of crazy when you look back and think about it. I can only count 3 times, in the almost year she has been alive, that Alan or I haven't been with her. The first time was when Alan and I went to a Pittsburgh Pirates game when she was 3 months old. Second time, Alan and I went to see a movie, and the 3rd time Alan and I went to a Christmas party for his work. Each time was equally hard to leave and I dread the next time we do it! lol Maybe that's weird, but I think being a stay at home mom has made me like this. I want that connection and closeness. Alana has never been put to bed by anyone other than Alan or I...she's never been given a bath by anyone else. I take a lot of pride in that! Not that there is anything at all wrong with getting a baby sitter and enjoying time alone with your significant other. I guess Alan and I are just ok with the time we spend alone being the time she is napping or down for the night. I love taking her everywhere we go...and usually if it's a place she can't go just one of us goes or neither of us goes. I'm not saying I will never have a babysitter or go on a date alone with my husband, but I just don't feel like I need it. I only have a little time left with her as a baby and I want to soak it all up.

Alana has been working on getting teeth since around Christmas and just the other day one has finally made some progress. The point to me telling you this is that Alana has had trouble sleeping recently, because of her teeth pushing through. So I have been up with her several nights trying to comfort her and get her back to sleep. I often find myself savoring every second of the snuggle time. Even though it's 1:00 am and I've been up since 7:30 the previous morning, I don't care. I love every snuggle, every hug and every kiss. I love that she is standing in her crib waiting on me in the middle of the night and stops crying and lays her head on my shoulder as soon as I pick her up. I'm really going to miss those moments. I know I have lots of time left with her, but she is growing so fast and next week she may not like snuggling anymore. So, until she wont let me anymore, I will snuggle her tightly and soak up the best feeling in the whole world!

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