Since it's Friday, I thought I would share some of the fun happenings that went on at my house this week.
I will warn you....most of them are about Alana, because while Brynna is incredibly adorable, she just doesn't talk yet, so Alana kind of has the upper hand at funny things.
Monday: We went to a "play group" at the library. I am the planner for playgroups and outing for my Mom's group. I planned an outing at one of the local libraries for a "class" called Wiggles and Giggles. Soooo, on Monday we went there to see what it was all about. I loved it. It was incredibly cute. All the kids stood in the middle of the room and sang along to songs and did little hand motions. Alana, however, wanted nothing to do with it and sat in the corner, in a little window. (the window is full she was sitting on a little ledge on the floor, pretty much.) I just thought it was funny. My little outgoing gal wanted nothing to do with the singing and dancing. She did warm up a little bit toward the end...maybe if we go again she will like it more. Later that day she was telling my mom (on the phone) about going to the library and she told her she was nervous! lol She actually said she was nervous about it!
Tuesday: The girls and I went to the mall to get Daddy his Anniversary present. I was getting something engraved, so I took Alana to the little play area to play and kill some time. When we got to the mall I discovered that there was not a jacket in the car for Alana. we normally just leave one in there and I just never think about checking to make sure it's still in there. And of course and it was a little chilly and raining. SO, I made her wear my jacket into the mall and then bought her a $2.99 jacket from Sears! lol The only slightly funny thing that happened at the mall was while I was looking at clothes in New York and Company, Alana kept yelling " Is that Michelle?!" " Is that Michelle?!"....about one of the sales associates. She thought it was my dear friend Michelle, I guess. Not sure why....the girl looked nothing like Michelle....maybe it was because she was friendly?? Who knows! But she thought for sure that girl was Michelle!!
Wednesday: We stayed home all day on Wednesday. So, Alana just played and watched tv all day. She came up to me, in the middle of playing and said, "Do you cover your nose when you sneeze?" I said, "yes" !!
She looked at me and smiled and said, "That's what big girls do!" lol I have no idea where that came one had sneezed...she just wanted to clarify, I guess!
Thursday: We went out to Joann Fabric to pick up some fabric I had ordered and to pick up some new fabric to make a couple baby gifts. Alana loves to go anywhere, really. She just likes getting out of the house. It was a beautiful day, yesterday. So, when Alan got home we took the girls outside to play. When we were out there we saw a bunny and Alana loved it. It, of course, ran later Alana started running around the yard, yelling, "Bunny Wabbit....Where are you" ! No bunny appeared....I'm sure it was hiding from the screaming toddler!
Friday: It's only 9:48 am and i already have a funny to report! I usually let Alana just talk in her bed before I go get her. This morning she was quite talkative and all of the sudden yelled, " Hey, pillow, listen to me!! I told you!!" Apparently her pillow did something wrong and she was punishing it ! lol
She really cracks me up sometimes. Hopefully, I will be able to keep up and do a little recap every Friday.
May the funnies continue!!
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