Thursday, April 21, 2011

Houston....we have a Big Girl Bed!!

We had quite a busy weekend this past week. On Friday night, as soon as Alan got home from work, we took the crib rail off Alana's crib and then ran out to Babies R Us and got a toddler rail for her bed. She was soooo incredibly excited about getting a big girl bed. She climbed in and out, in and out. She loves it. Nap time has been a tiny challenge now... the first naptime she came to the door and knocked on it, but then decided to climb back in bed and take her nap! I started using a timer for nap time this week. I set the timer on the microwave when she's eating lunch and tell her when it beeps it will be time to get down, clean up and take our nap. To my surprise it has worked great!! She wasn't crazy about it the first day, but today when I put her in her chair for lunch she said " and when the timer beeps...." ! So she totally gets it. She went in for her nap like a champ today, no crying. Notice I didn't say she went to sleep like a champ....she is still awake in there, just talking and singing...but that's ok. As long as she is resting a little I'm ok with her not sleeping the whole time. And I know she's perfectly safe in there. All furniture is strapped to the wall, blind cords are in their safety doo-dads, all outlets are covered, and I went through the toy box in her room and took out all things I wouldn't want her playing with unsupervised, (there was really nothing dangerous....just things the nervous nelly mom in me, wouldn't necessarily want her chewing on or something) like an old purse of mine.

So, my little girl is a big girl now!

Now for that potty training thing....

Ugh!! Anyway, I will leave you with some pictures of the baby to big girl transformation!

These first two are from a couple days before we switched her crib. We made the final decision to switch her because she kept getting mad at us when we took her out of her crib before she was ready to come out. So, to help her wake up and ready to get out of her crib I took Brynna in to play. I just love how they look at each other....they melt my heart.


Big Girl ! 
*note: this is before we put the safety rail up, we didn't leave it like this....don't freak out on me!

The final product! So far she loves it. Hopefully, we have continued success!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yay for a big girl bed! Hope the transition is smooth :)