Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happy Happy Happy Happy....Anniversary!!

Today, April 14th, is mine and Alan's 4 year wedding Anniversary! It's so hard to believe it's been 4 years already!! I feel like our marriage is stronger than ever, and to be honest....having 2 children has made it that way. Not that we didn't have a strong marriage before children, but I can honestly say, parenthood and marriage suite us both very well.

And now, for a little trip down Memory Lane:

note: I can't find my professional pictures on my laptop and I'm,quite frankly, too lazy to go searching for my these are just shots from various cameras.

My Mom and I before the wedding.

My Dad and I before the wedding.

My nephew, Skyler. He was the Ring Bearer....he is now 7 (oh my word!!)

And we're married!! 

Our pretty wedding cake. My Aunt made it for us !! 

So, there ya go...that was 4 years ago. Almost to the exact time, too. If I remember correctly, we got married at 3:30 might have been 4:30 pm though (oh dear, now I can't remember...) Anyway, it was sometimes close to this exact time! lol 

Happy 4 years My Love!!

P.S. Stay tuned for more blogging about some crafty projects I'm working on!! Kitchen curtains and baby gifts are in the works!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Happy Anniversary! Love hearing that parenthood suits you. Here's to many more happy years to come :)